Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Wind

As the winds passed by
Over the hills and mountains
Guides any objects
As they go against them.

A roving autumn leaf
By cool winds turned around;
No one knowing where
It will fall upon the ground.

A purposeless darting arrow
Through the winds blowing;
Never knowing where
Its targets are lying.

As the little bird comes along
With the gentle winds blow by long
Guides where it will go
With its wings flapped along.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Romeo and Juliet: A Happy Ending

     Romeo and Paris saw each other on the graveyard. Romeo told that he and Juliet were already married and he wants to die with Juliet. Paris agreed to Romeo to open the tomb to reveal Juliet inside. Romeo kissed Juliet and after that, Juliet has been woke up. Romeo and Juliet were very happy to see each other. Paris was also happy that Juliet has not been died. He left them alone and felt happy but sad. The Montagues as well as the Capulets, the Prince, and Friar Lawrence came. The Prince pardoned Romeo and then he can now live in Verona peacefully. They welcomed Romeo. The two families, the Montagues and Capulets, were felt sorry with their rivals and showed friendship with each other. They were very happy that Romeo and Juliet were married at all. The Prince was also happy that the two families were now friends and there will be peace and no fights in Verona. And Romeo lived with his wife Juliet and their family happily ever after.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Father, The Greatest Person in My Life

     My father is one of the important persons in my life. He teaches me about everything in my life. He teaches me how to be honest, truthful, responsible, and many more. He is always there to be my guide in my everyday life. He was there to teach me lessons when I have been committed mistakes. He was there to help me with my problems. Despite all the mistakes I've committed with my younger brothers, he is always there to teach us lessons and tries to forgive us several times. He is the best father I never thought would be given by God in my life. He is willing to sacrifice his life and freedom just to give us a good future.
     Because of that, this coming Father's Day, I want to give him a very special day that he can never forget. We will be going to mall, and after that,  we will have a picnic and I will be greeting him with all my heart, "Happy Father's Day!!!" I am very sure that he will be happy of those surprises I am preparing.
     In these times, we are blessed with a myriad of wonderful gifts from God. Some of these are our friends, neighbors, and most of all, our family, especially the fathers who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their family. Each gift goes on giving that the receivers may give in return. For each gift has to be loved and cherished in expression of gratitude to the giver. In this Father's Day, for the fathers, especially my father, with all my heart, I am greeting them, "Happy Father's Day!!!"

Importance of Family Life

     A family is very important to an individual. It plays a major role in your development into the person whom you will become. It builds up a person's personality. Only a person can be happy if he/she has a good and strong family. The goals you set for yourself in your life are very much dependent on the life you have with your family. In short, a family is the one who keeps us to be alive and strong. If there is no family, something is missing in our life.
     A family is the basic unit of society. A basic family is composed of a father, a mother, and their children.
Each member of the family has their tasks and responsibilities to be fulfilled. For example, the way the parents are treating their children is actually the deciding factor of what those children will be like as a person when they grow up. Each member of the family should do their tasks and their responsibilities in the family so that they will have a happy and harmonious relationship with each other. An ideal family is one where love is shared with each members of the family. They can show their love by respecting and cooperating with each other. If they work together, they can achieve their set goals in their life.
     A family is very important to us. We are totally complete if we know that our family is always there to support us in our decisions in life. Whatever we have tried to do in life, we have tried with all our hearts with all our family to do it well. If ever we have devoted ourselves just for our family, we can reach our dreams and we can attain the power and unlimited potential of the human spirit.