Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Father, The Greatest Person in My Life

     My father is one of the important persons in my life. He teaches me about everything in my life. He teaches me how to be honest, truthful, responsible, and many more. He is always there to be my guide in my everyday life. He was there to teach me lessons when I have been committed mistakes. He was there to help me with my problems. Despite all the mistakes I've committed with my younger brothers, he is always there to teach us lessons and tries to forgive us several times. He is the best father I never thought would be given by God in my life. He is willing to sacrifice his life and freedom just to give us a good future.
     Because of that, this coming Father's Day, I want to give him a very special day that he can never forget. We will be going to mall, and after that,  we will have a picnic and I will be greeting him with all my heart, "Happy Father's Day!!!" I am very sure that he will be happy of those surprises I am preparing.
     In these times, we are blessed with a myriad of wonderful gifts from God. Some of these are our friends, neighbors, and most of all, our family, especially the fathers who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their family. Each gift goes on giving that the receivers may give in return. For each gift has to be loved and cherished in expression of gratitude to the giver. In this Father's Day, for the fathers, especially my father, with all my heart, I am greeting them, "Happy Father's Day!!!"

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