Monday, October 8, 2012

Sports: An Essential Portion in a Student's Life

Imagine a life without any sports or exercises. I think it will be very boring and mind-numbing. Even the students who are very active in study life will also feel boredom or dullness in their life without it. Without any sports in life can make anything dull and numb. It can turn a colorful world a pale one. In short, without sports, it can destroy the stability in our life.

Sports are very essential to everyone, especially to the students. It makes a student to improve his/her capability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and vigilance without under fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure times. A good level of fitness to a student is essential for leading a vigorous life. It provides us energy to do anything and makes us lively in participating in class. We will not be active in any of the events in school when we do not have enough vitality and power to do such things.

To maintain everything in balance, we must offer a time to have exercise or perform sports. That’s why there is such kind of activities in school. Intramurals is one of the activities in school wherein students can perform any sports they want, like basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, chess, sepak takraw, discus throwing, javelin throw, patintero, and many more. These sports provide balance, not only balance but also activeness in our life. That is the importance of sports in a student’s life.

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