Monday, October 8, 2012

To Be or Not to Be

To mark things or not to make
Ranges shake the one who can take
If we endure the life of integrity
Or forgetting the life of decency.

To be candid or to be a snake
Sweet is the swamp with its riddles
For thou we shall pick what we are
To better or to worse.

All of this am I
I go my way unheeding
Never knowing where
My footsteps may be leading.

I am not you, you are not me
It is my line, this is your approach
Whether we choose better or worse
Let your hand pick, to be or not to be.

Sports: An Essential Portion in a Student's Life

Imagine a life without any sports or exercises. I think it will be very boring and mind-numbing. Even the students who are very active in study life will also feel boredom or dullness in their life without it. Without any sports in life can make anything dull and numb. It can turn a colorful world a pale one. In short, without sports, it can destroy the stability in our life.

Sports are very essential to everyone, especially to the students. It makes a student to improve his/her capability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and vigilance without under fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure times. A good level of fitness to a student is essential for leading a vigorous life. It provides us energy to do anything and makes us lively in participating in class. We will not be active in any of the events in school when we do not have enough vitality and power to do such things.

To maintain everything in balance, we must offer a time to have exercise or perform sports. That’s why there is such kind of activities in school. Intramurals is one of the activities in school wherein students can perform any sports they want, like basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, chess, sepak takraw, discus throwing, javelin throw, patintero, and many more. These sports provide balance, not only balance but also activeness in our life. That is the importance of sports in a student’s life.

Which is More Important: Fluency in English Language or Mastery of Native Language?

Language in a person is very important. It’s been a part to everyone’s life. For me, language is defined as the human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, and a language is any example of such a system of complex communication. It reflects the culture of a certain place or country. We are using language for communication, to inform people around us of what we think, what we feel, and what we wish for. Being capable to communicate to others forms bond, affiliation, and teamwork. But many Filipinos ask themselves for only one question regarding language: what is more important, fluency in the English language or the mastery of the native language?
The importance of language isn’t much different whatever our nationality is. In our country, we always use Filipino to communicate to other Filipino citizens. We are using it for better understanding. We can understand more if we are using Filipino language. Even our parents introduce first our native language to us because it is the root of all our communications in our country. We can understand more about the other languages if we master first our native language. But, if we were to communicate to other countries, we are using English language. It is because English language is what we call the “Universal Language”. Most of the countries are using English language for businesses and transactions. Without it, our communication to other countries will be harder.
I have been concerned in many languages. Our language is the most important part of our identity and life. I think it is more important to learn our own mother tongue because this is one of the most important parts of our identity. For me, if we lose our own language, we will not be complete. Our identity will just be unknown therefore it is nonsense if we lose our mother tongue. We are losing the most important part of ourselves.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Bridge to a Better World

Is there really a chance to bring all the people to a better world? That is the only question that makes me think of an answer if there is a chance in making this world a better one. It makes me feel ennui always because in every time I woke up, when I see this world, this question always form in my mind. I think I am a vacuous boy because I can’t answer this question. I think I don’t have enow ideas and intelligence to answer this simple question.
When I was young, I thought the world was well lost that everything looks bright and rosy, for love that is like a standard and led the shining host. I thought that the world was made of fabric such as the moonlight, the light that could weave over men and maids.
It took me years of wisdom to find my world. Now that I’m grown to wisdom and seen how loves are furled, like all discarded banners – I’d rather have the world. I think this world is faitour. The one I said when I was young appears plausible at first but now, I had proved this to be the purest piffle. This world is full of problems. It seems that the world has changed and became very different from what I have seen when I was young. At first, I thought that no one will be able to appease the problems we are facing. It sounds as though they are, suitably, being cursed with faineant praise.
As I am thinking of an answer if there is really a chance in making this world a better one, a beautiful girl sits beside me and asked, “Why are you looking up in the sky? Is there any problem?”
           She looks very innocent, crowned with flowers that bloom one miraculous spring with the kisses of a nymph.  It seems that she came from an affluent family because of her dress. She is wearing a babushka that time. I really don’t know her. I just answered, “Nothing. I am just thinking if there is really a chance to bring all the people to a better world.”
          She looked at me very serious when I say that. And then, she replied, “The bridge to a better world. It seems all of us are facing bitter problems for a better life. We're always giving our best to achieve a better life. You must not quit. You must not lose hope. Just give your best and you can make this world a better one." After that, she kissed me on my cheeks and went away smiling. I didn't know what is her reason on kissing me on my cheeks. But I know why did she say that. The bridge refers to all the people who are doing their best to achieve a better life. She had proved that the one I was thinking before is obnoxious or extremely objectionable. That is the first and the last time I saw her. I wish I could see that punctilious girl for the second chance if the destiny can forgive me.
           She taught me one great lesson, a very great lesson that everyone can't forget. A better world can be achieved if we will try our best in getting it. The bridge can bring us to a new and better world that no one will have problems regarding anything in our life.
           I wish I can have a parfait and a canape for a reward for this.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Wind

As the winds passed by
Over the hills and mountains
Guides any objects
As they go against them.

A roving autumn leaf
By cool winds turned around;
No one knowing where
It will fall upon the ground.

A purposeless darting arrow
Through the winds blowing;
Never knowing where
Its targets are lying.

As the little bird comes along
With the gentle winds blow by long
Guides where it will go
With its wings flapped along.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Romeo and Juliet: A Happy Ending

     Romeo and Paris saw each other on the graveyard. Romeo told that he and Juliet were already married and he wants to die with Juliet. Paris agreed to Romeo to open the tomb to reveal Juliet inside. Romeo kissed Juliet and after that, Juliet has been woke up. Romeo and Juliet were very happy to see each other. Paris was also happy that Juliet has not been died. He left them alone and felt happy but sad. The Montagues as well as the Capulets, the Prince, and Friar Lawrence came. The Prince pardoned Romeo and then he can now live in Verona peacefully. They welcomed Romeo. The two families, the Montagues and Capulets, were felt sorry with their rivals and showed friendship with each other. They were very happy that Romeo and Juliet were married at all. The Prince was also happy that the two families were now friends and there will be peace and no fights in Verona. And Romeo lived with his wife Juliet and their family happily ever after.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Father, The Greatest Person in My Life

     My father is one of the important persons in my life. He teaches me about everything in my life. He teaches me how to be honest, truthful, responsible, and many more. He is always there to be my guide in my everyday life. He was there to teach me lessons when I have been committed mistakes. He was there to help me with my problems. Despite all the mistakes I've committed with my younger brothers, he is always there to teach us lessons and tries to forgive us several times. He is the best father I never thought would be given by God in my life. He is willing to sacrifice his life and freedom just to give us a good future.
     Because of that, this coming Father's Day, I want to give him a very special day that he can never forget. We will be going to mall, and after that,  we will have a picnic and I will be greeting him with all my heart, "Happy Father's Day!!!" I am very sure that he will be happy of those surprises I am preparing.
     In these times, we are blessed with a myriad of wonderful gifts from God. Some of these are our friends, neighbors, and most of all, our family, especially the fathers who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their family. Each gift goes on giving that the receivers may give in return. For each gift has to be loved and cherished in expression of gratitude to the giver. In this Father's Day, for the fathers, especially my father, with all my heart, I am greeting them, "Happy Father's Day!!!"